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  • 1. About the agreement to the access rules
    1.1 The access and use of the contents of the website “” depend on full agreement with the clauses related to the term of use and provision of content displayed below: 1.2 The manifestation of adherence to the following clauses will occur through the confirmation of the word “ok”, “send”, “buy”, when the phrase “by registering you agree with the terms or conditions”, or some analogous information is written. 1.3 Even if there is no specific warning in the content, by accessing the site and agreeing to the cookie policy and site guidelines, the user is aware that they will be in agreement with the policy written below, as well as with the contractual terms. 1.4 Non-agreement may prevent the validation of access to the site.
  • 2. About the platform
    2.1 The platform is part of the Avian Medicine Courses school and through this site offers free content, lectures, live streams, and posts in free navigation areas or member navigation areas, where registration will be necessary to allow access. It also offers, for a fee, distance learning courses, online, telepresence, live or recorded, for veterinarians, biologists, zootechnicians, bird tutors, and other interested parties. 2.2 It is not the role of the platform and its free or paid content (lectures, live streams, courses, posts, or any content made available), nor of M.V. Octavio Lisboa, to guide on clinical and surgical cases, provide treatments, diagnoses, or prescribe medications online. These practices violate veterinary medical ethics and are in accordance with Article 8 of the veterinary medical ethics code, which prohibits professionals from prescribing without a prior clinical examination of the patient and, if breached, can result in professional ethical proceedings. Click here to access the veterinary ethics code. 2.3 The platform’s main focus is animal management activities concerning birds. 2.4 The portal “” provides its visitors, students, and partners with information absorbed (case study, practice, study of specialized literature) by the veterinarian Octavio Lisboa CRMV 8812 RJ and other invited and accredited professors. 2.5 The site presents various works carried out by the responsible veterinarian (Octavio Lisboa). 2.6 The portal also offers space for interested professionals to conduct lectures, congresses, and training courses.
  • 3. How the platform is structured
    3.1 Home Area: In this area, a brief summary of each of the topics existing on the site is presented to the USER. 3.2 About Area: In this area, the USER has access to the biography of the veterinarian Octavio Lisboa. 3.3 Lectures Area: In this area, the USER has access to all the videos of live streams and lectures given by the veterinarian Octavio Lisboa and guests on other platforms (e.g., Instagram, Zoom). 3.4 Courses: Area where the user can consult the entire catalog of Avian Medicine Courses. 3.5 Services: Area where the USER can view the services offered by the veterinarian Octavio Lisboa. 3.6 Contact: Area to get in touch with the portal 3.7 Login: Registration area for viewing the free content of the platform. To access the paid courses, the student must use the link sent by email or access the “Hotmart” website, as it is not possible to access the course content through the site “”.
  • 4. About the free content
    4.1 The free content available on the platform is located at: “” or "" 4.2 The free content is divided into free navigation areas and member navigation areas, with the latter requiring the USER to register to gain access to the content.
  • 5. About the paid courses
    5.1 The online courses available for purchase are listed at: “”, and may be on a waiting list or open for enrollment. 5.2 The waiting list will depend on the availability of the course, with no minimum or maximum time frame for the course to be made available. 5.3 Some courses may require a minimum quorum; this information will be stated in the notice, and the contractor may even postpone the launch date of the course or cancel it if the minimum number of students is not met, as will be stated in the notice and contract. 5.4 The offer of courses will be made through a notice displayed in a “landing page” format where all the information and rules of the course offer (content, access time, values, etc.) will be made available to the USER. 5.5 When necessary, the company may require in the notice the submission of documents that prove the technical qualification for approval of the student’s participation in the course; in these cases, enrollment will only be confirmed after the submission and approval of the documentation. 5.6 When specific material is required for the course, this information will be stated in the notice, and it is entirely the student’s responsibility to acquire these materials. 5.7 In all classes, it is necessary for the student to have access to an electronic device with internet and email. 5.8 In some courses, there may be a need to use a webcam, microphone, and applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Zoom, etc. 5.9 The USER, by clicking on the ‘BUY’ button, will be directed to the “Hotmart” company’s website, where the purchase can be made and where the content of the online course will be made available. 5.10 The release of the content of the purchased course and access to the private area will only be available after the credit card is accepted or the bank slip is compensated. 5.11 After the purchase is approved, the student will receive via the registered email a link to access the course content. 5.11.1 Access to the course links is exclusive and restricted to students who have purchased the course. The content of the courses is the property of Avian Medicine Courses, therefore the user commits not to share, record, copy, modify, reproduce, distribute, download, store, transmit, sell, resell, reverse engineer, or create derivative products from any content available in the course or on the Avian Medicine Courses platform, under penalty of civil and criminal liability. 5.12 It is strictly forbidden for the student to share the information of other students. 5.13 Before accessing any service, the prospective student must read and agree to the terms of the contract, which will govern the rules of the relationship between the parties. 5.14 In the private area of the “Hotmart” website, the contents, videos, downloads, materials, and guidelines related to the chosen and contracted course will be available. 5.15 By purchasing any course that uses the “Hotmart” platform, the student automatically agrees to the cookie and privacy policy of Hotmart company. 5.16 The courses may or may not offer support for doubts, as defined and previously disclosed in the notice. 5.17 When there is an option for support with doubts: 5.17.1 Within our course offerings, students will find two distinct course types: self-guided course and course in live support format. The modality is not the student's choice, but rather a definition established by the company according to the schedule developed for the course. Modality 1 - Self-guided Format: In this version of the course, the student will have access to the complete program content, but without the possibility of direct contact with the professor to clarify doubts. The material is designed to be clear and understandable, allowing the student to proceed independently. Modality 2 - Scheduled live support sessions: In some courses, the company can offer a live session to clarify doubts, which will take place at a pre-determined date and time. Interested students must register to participate in this session, where they will be able to interact directly with the teacher and clarify their doubts. 5.17.2 No other means of communication will be accepted for the support with doubts; 5.17.3 Teachers will only answer questions from students with an active contract; 5.17.4 Only doubts pertinent to the course content will be answered. 5.17.5 Questions related to specific cases that characterize the response as a veterinary consultation will not be answered, a practice prohibited by the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine (CFMV). 5.18 Some courses also offer the possibility to participate in online study groups via WhatsApp or Telegram, live sessions on Instagram, consultations, etc., information that is previously set out in the notice 5.19 All information regarding the taught classes is based on the experiences of the teachers or third parties, which will be pointed out during the course 5.20 The access period to the course will be stipulated in the notice and set out in the course information and contract. 5.20.1 The fulfillment of the course schedule and the completion of 100% of the content within the acquired access period is the responsibility of the student; 5.20.2 If the student is unable to complete the course within the period specified in the notice, requests for extension of the course for any reason will not be accepted, with the possibility of requesting reactivation of the course through payment of a reactivation fee, following the provisions below The student may request reactivation of the course up to 6 months after the end of the course access period. The access period for reactivation is “+ 1 month of access” and within the 6 months after the end of the access period, the student may purchase as many reactivations as necessary. At the end of the 6-month period after the end of the access period, it will not be possible to request reactivation, and the student will need to purchase a new enrollment to access the course. The fees for reactivating courses are specific to each course and must be requested through the email: 5.21 The headquarters of the course is in Curitiba, the filming may be done in Brazil or any other country, but all postings are in accordance with Brazilian law.
  • 6. What the platform does NOT offer for the courses
    6.1 The platform does not offer any kind of physical material for the course, only recorded classes and support materials when necessary. 6.2 The contracted party will only provide digital materials for the course and is not obliged to provide equipment, copies of books and papers, or materials. 6.3 When there is a need to use any material for practical cases, it is entirely the student’s responsibility to purchase, quality, and maintain the equipment. 6.4 The school does not offer any personal follow-up for particular procedures carried out by the students and is not responsible for any procedure performed by the students without the physical supervision (accompaniment) of the contracted teacher. 6.5 Similarly, the school is not responsible for any technique used incorrectly or questionably, medical errors, or procedures taught in the classes. 6.6 It is not the role of the platform, the content, the veterinarian Octavio Lisboa, and the guest teachers to offer consultations or guide on clinical and surgical cases, provide treatments, diagnoses, or prescribe medications online.
  • 7. Use of the Portal and its links
    7.1 Under no circumstances does the Avian Medicine Courses Portal take responsibility for the use of the Avian Medicine Courses Portal or access to links indicated therein, as well as for acts performed by USERS based on information obtained from the links. 7.2 Access to the course links is exclusive and restricted to students who have purchased the course. The content of the courses is the property of Avian Medicine Courses, therefore the user commits not to share, record, copy, modify, reproduce, distribute, download, store, transmit, sell, resell, reverse engineer, or create derivative products from any content available in the course or on the Avian Medicine Courses platform, under penalty of civil and criminal liability. 7.2.1 Engaging in any of the activities mentioned in item 10.2 or similar is strictly prohibited for the student, under penalty of expulsion, cancellation of enrollment, and without the right to a refund of payments, in addition to the application of appropriate measures in the civil and criminal spheres. 7.2.2 The only exceptions would be to make posts – with authorization from the teacher and other colleagues – and provided that the school and teachers are tagged with the appropriate “@”, or when the school provides material for download. 7.3 All courses are protected under the terms of the contract digitally signed by the student after purchase confirmation; if the terms described herein are not respected, they will be subject to responsibilities according to the same terms. 7.4 For USERS to enjoy the benefits provided by the portal, it is necessary to register on the portal, or Hotmart, as specified for each product, and the user will only have full access to the content after payment for the course and when necessary and acceptance of the contract.
  • 8. Use of the Services by the USER
    8.1 To access certain Services, the USER may be asked to provide personal information (such as identification or contact details) as part of the registration process for the Service or as part of the USER’s ongoing use of the Services. The USER declares the truthfulness, accuracy, and currency of the registration information provided to Avian Medicine Courses. 8.2 Access to the classes will only be granted after contractual acceptance and acceptance of the company’s policies, when there is the contracting of paid courses, the confirmation of enrollment under the terms of the contract. 8.3 The user is aware that access is merely a temporary assignment of the right to use the displayed content, which cannot be marketed, loaned, transferred, without the express authorization of the company, under penalty of civil and criminal liability. 8.4 The USER agrees not to access (or attempt to access) any of the Services by any means other than through the interface provided by Avian Medicine Courses, except if specifically authorized to do so. 8.5 The USER specifically agrees not to access (or attempt to access) any of the Services through automated means (including the use of scripts or web crawlers). 8.6 The USER agrees not to engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the operation of the Services (or servers and networks connected to the Services). 8.7 The USER agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, or resell the services and products from the Portal 8.8 The USER agrees that they will be solely responsible (and that the Avian Medicine Courses Portal has no responsibility to the USER or third parties) for any non-compliance with their obligations with respect to the terms of this instrument and for the damages caused to the Avian Medicine Courses Portal as a result of this non-performance. 8.9 The user is fully aware that the password is personal and non-transferable, as stated in the contract, and it is completely forbidden to share personal access data with third parties, whether for profit or not. 8.9.1 Furthermore, it is expressly forbidden to access the course platform simultaneously on more than one electronic device per login. 8.9.2 From the moment the contractor registers on the portal with a login and password, they become responsible for all information provided in their name, not only on the portal but also in groups on Telegram, WhatsApp, email, study groups, Instagram, etc. If there is exposure of the password to third parties, the contracted party cannot be held responsible for the leakage of the client’s personal data, and again the contractor is responsible for any act that the person who used their login and password practices. 8.10 The USER may be civilly and/or criminally liable for any illicit act arising from their action and/or omission on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal.
  • 9. The USER, in these Terms of Use, agrees to
    9.1 Provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about themselves when registering on the specific form for access to the Avian Medicine Courses Portal. 9.2 Preserve and immediately update such Registration information to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. 9.3 The USER must inform their own email address to be used for their identification on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal and for receiving messages resulting from their registration on the said Site. 9.3.1 The USER must also create a password, being entirely responsible for its confidentiality, as well as for any activity that occurs within the scope of their registration. The USER may change their password at any time. 9.3.2 Both the email address provided by the USER and the password created by them will be used for their identification and permission to access the Avian Medicine Courses Portal. 9.4 USERS under the age of 18 (eighteen) need to be represented or assisted, as the case may be, by their parents or legal guardians to register. 9.5 The USERS’ Account Information is password-protected for their security and privacy. 9.6 USER agrees to immediately notify the Avian Medicine Courses Portal of any unauthorized use of their login (USER identification for access to the Avian Medicine Courses Portal, by filling in their personal email address and password created on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal) or any security breach of their knowledge. 9.6.1 It is part of our policy to respect the privacy of our USERS. The Avian Medicine Courses Portal will not, therefore, monitor, edit, or disclose private information of its USERS without prior authorization - in contract -, except in cases expressly provided for in the terms of the Privacy Policy or unless we are required to do so by court order or by force of law. 9.7 The USER is aware that the site uses the cookie system, therefore their privacy is in accordance with the privacy terms described on the site itself and on partner sites and platforms. As such, for full access to the content, the student must authorize the use of their data, the maintenance of these for a period of 5 years, and when necessary, the disclosure of these. 9.8 The USER expressly authorizes the Avian Medicine Courses Portal to communicate with them through all available communication channels, including electronic mail (email), mobile phone, SMS, WhatsApp, among others. 9.9 It is not the responsibility of the company if the user fails to receive any information due to not providing correct or updated data.
  • 10. It is the USER’s full responsibility to
    10.1 Perform their own registration on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal, taking responsibility for the correctness and truthfulness of the data provided, as well as for the safekeeping of their access password. 10.2 Not to provide or share their access and password for the Avian Medicine Courses Portal for use by third parties, subject to penalties provided for in the relevant legislation and in the contract accepted at the time of course purchase. 10.3 Maintain the security of their computer environment, with the use of available tools such as antivirus and firewall, among others, updated, in order to contribute to the prevention of electronic risks by the USERS. 10.4 Respect all policies described in the contract, therefore, read the contract carefully and accept the terms and policies of the company before purchase.
  • 11. The USER commits to
    11.1 NOT COPY, MODIFY, REPRODUCE, DISTRIBUTE, DOWNLOAD, STORE, TRANSMIT, SELL, RESELL, REVERSE ENGINEER, OR CREATE DERIVATIVE PRODUCTS FROM THE ONLINE COURSES AND ANY CONTENT AVAILABLE ON THE AVIAN MEDICINE COURSES PLATFORM. 11.2 NOT violate or attempt to violate any security measures of the Avian Medicine Courses Portal, or take advantage of any system inconsistency to gain advantage for themselves or others, or cause harm to the Avian Medicine Courses platform. 11.3 The user commits to act in good faith and in accordance with the principles and values of the company. 11.4 Not plagiarize any information provided by the teachers under penalty of law. 11.5 If the student does not respect any of the guidelines set out in this term or in the contract, they may be punished with suspension, fine, or expulsion from the platform, according to the contract terms.
  • 12. Copyright and Intellectual Property
    12.1 The texts, photographs, images, logos, and sounds present and published on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal are protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights, so their misuse can lead to compensation for losses and damages and even criminal sanctions, under the terms of the law. 12.2 By accessing the Avian Medicine Courses Portal, the USER declares that they will respect all intellectual and industrial property rights, those resulting from the protection of registered trademarks, as well as all rights pertaining to third parties that may be, or have been, available on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal in any way, including articles, documents, videos, classes, applications, and news. 12.3 Simple access to the Avian Medicine Courses Portal does not grant the USER any right to use the names, titles, words, phrases, trademarks, patents, quotes, content, articles, publications, literary, artistic, literary-musical works, videos, classes, among others, that are, or have been, available therein. 12.4 The use of the Avian Medicine Courses Portal or the information inserted therein, without authorization, for commercial, advertising purposes, or any other that contradicts the reality for which it was designed as defined in this Term, is prohibited. Likewise, the reproduction, distribution, and disclosure, in whole or in part, of the texts, figures, graphics, classes, videos that make up the Avian Medicine Courses Portal, without prior and express authorization from the Avian Medicine Courses Portal, are prohibited. 12.5 It is totally forbidden for the student to share information of other students. 12.6 The Avian Medicine Courses Portal reserves the right to use the stored registration data for relationship actions of the Avian Medicine Courses Portal with the USERS, respecting the privacy policy and the determinations in force in the relevant legislation.
  • 13. Reliability of Information
    13.1 The Avian Medicine Courses Portal ensures that the information provided on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal is correct, complete, and up-to-date. However, the Avian Medicine Courses Portal does not assume responsibility for the use, application, or processing that USERS may perform in relation to the mentioned registration information in non-compliance with the nature and function of the same. 13.2 The information contained on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal may be updated or modified periodically by the portal “” Such information should not be interpreted as definitive. 13.3 The use of the content made available on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal is the entire responsibility of the USER. 13.4 The Avian Medicine Courses Portal may change the form and content, as well as suspend or cancel, at its sole discretion, at any time, any of the services, products, utilities, or applications made available on the site. 13.5 The Avian Medicine Courses Portal will make its best efforts to keep the information and materials contained on this site as accurate, updated, and complete as possible. 13.6 Through the use of cookies and the privacy policy, the site informs that all information regarding customers, which may be stored and shared, is in accordance with the privacy terms exposed on the site. 13.7 When there is a possibility, according to the guideline of each course, by accepting to enter the WhatsApp and Telegram group, the student agrees that their phone number will automatically be available to the other participants, ceasing to be the responsibility of the company if there is any form of communication from the other participants or third parties with the contractor. 13.7.1 The company is not responsible for the terms and privacy policies of platforms that may be used to facilitate student communication, such as Zoom, WhatsApp, Instagram, Google, emails, Hotmart, etc. 13.8 The student licenses the use of their image, name, bibliographic data, and academic works to the contracted party, testimony, video, specifically for the informative and promotional use of courses and activities of these, by any means of communication, folders, posts, or other audiovisual communication material that is linked to the contracted party, whether for broadcasting on national and/or international communication networks, for the purpose of disseminating academic activities, without any compensation or remuneration to the contractor. 13.9 The image of the students and data will be kept in possession of the contracted party for a maximum period of 5 years, after which they must be deleted. 13.9.1 It informs that it may be required for students to use a webcam and microphone for classes and that therefore they may be filmed and have their image and sound recorded during classes. 13.10 The user allows the sharing of their email, phone, and name with partner companies and teachers, not allowing the use of personal data such as ID, CPF, and others. 13.10.1 These pieces of information may be used to send promotions, articles, study groups, newsletters, etc. 13.10.2 The student allows the sending of emails and notifications with information about other courses, classes, articles, publications, promotions, etc. 13.10.3 The contracted party will allow the use of this data by partners for a maximum period of 5 years from the agreement of the terms of use and cookies of the site. 13.10.4 The user accepts that the data from the course and their research in conjunction with the professor may be used for international studies, based not only on Brazilian legislation but also on international laws, based on article 34 of L. 13709. 13.11 The contracted party commits to securely store, within the terms of the data protection law, all information provided by clients, including personal data, access data, grades, etc., for a period of 5 years, after which the correct disposal of the information will be carried out. 13.12 After the period stipulated in the previous clause, the contracted party will not be able to use the information for any purpose, not even for the disclosure of new products. 13.13 All data will be encrypted and stored with due security, following the terms and policies of national and international data protection, and especially the terms of the contract with the company “Hotmart”. 13.14 Data will only be shared – with the exception of email, name, and phone, articles, images – with the express authorization of the client. 13.15 No data that may harm the image, honor, or privacy of the contractor will be shared. 13.16 The use of data is hereby authorized, without reservation, in the cases of articles 07, 08, and 09 of LAW 13709. 13.17 The services provided and products developed are protected by legislation that governs Copyright Laws (Brazilian Federal Constitution, art. 5º, clauses XXVII, XXVIII, and XXIX; Brazilian Federal Law no. 9.610 of February 19, 1998, art. 7º and other provisions; Brazilian Civil Code, Consumer Defense Code, Brazilian Constitution of 1988, Penal Code, LGPD, and International Agreements).
  • 14. Modifications to these Terms and Conditions
    14.1 The Avian Medicine Courses Portal reserves the right to modify at any time, aiming for continuous improvement, unilaterally, the present Terms and Conditions of Use. By browsing the Avian Medicine Courses Portal, the USER agrees to the Terms and Conditions that are in force on the date and, therefore, must check them beforehand each time they visit the Avian Medicine Courses Portal. 14.2 All courses will follow the provisions of the contracts accepted at the time of contracting, and these cannot be modified while the course is in effect.
  • 15. Exclusion of Warranties and Liability
    15.1 Due to operational issues and outsourcing of services, the Avian Medicine Courses Portal and its services are subject to possible problems of interruption, technical failure, or temporary unavailability of operation. 15.2 The Avian Medicine Courses Portal exempts itself, to the fullest extent permitted by the legal system, from any responsibility for damages and losses of all kinds that may result from the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the Avian Medicine Courses Portal, the defrauding of the utility that USERS may have attributed to the site and the services, the fallibility of the site and the services, and, in particular, although not exclusively, to failures to access the various web pages that make up the platform or where the services are provided. 15.3 The USER is aware that the Avian Medicine Courses Portal will not be responsible for: 15.3.1 Any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages incurred by the USER, caused under any theory of liability, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits (incurred directly or indirectly), any loss related to goodwill or business reputation, any loss of data that the user may suffer, costs of acquiring goods or services, or other intangible loss; 15.3.2 Any USER expectations regarding the integrity, accuracy, or existence of any advertising, or as a result of any relationship or transaction made with any advertiser or sponsor whose advertising appears in the services; 15.3.3 Any changes that the Avian Medicine Courses Portal may make to the services, or for any permanent or temporary cessation in the provision of the services (or any features within the services); 15.3.4 Deletion, corruption, or failure to store any content or other communication data maintained or transmitted by or through the use of the services by the USER; 15.3.5 Failure by the USER to provide correct account information to the Avian Medicine Courses Portal; 15.3.6 Failure by the USER to maintain the security and confidentiality of their account details and password.
  • 16. Limitations of liability
    The limitations of liability of the Avian Medicine Courses Portal towards the USER, mentioned above, will apply regardless of whether the Avian Medicine Courses have been notified or should have been aware of the possibility of such losses occurring.
  • 17. Cancellation Rules
    17.1 The Consumer Protection Code, Art. 49, guarantees the right to withdraw from the purchase of the product or service within 07 days from the date of contracting. 17.2 If the consumer exercises the right of regret provided for in this article, any amounts paid, for any reason, during the reflection period, will be fully refunded. 17.3 The student who wishes to request the right of regret must do so in writing via email:
  • 18. Inquiries
    If you have any questions regarding these provisions, please contact our team through support on WhatsApp: +971 055 247 5022.
  • 1. General Information
    1. The Avian Medicine Courses Portal understands how important it is for you to be informed and secure about the use, storage, protection, sharing, and utilization of your personal data on the site. Therefore, we are committed to clarifying and disclosing our policy on the use of this information. This way, you can better understand what information we collect and how we use it. 2. To request more information, share content, and personalize your navigation on the Avian Medicine Courses Portal, you need to provide some personal data. This information is not revealed or passed on to third parties, except for our suppliers, partners, or others who have some relationship with the avian medicine company, except by judicial determination, and serves only to improve our relationship on your future visits. 2.1 The company commits to safeguarding the privacy and security of the information of its customers, students, and other holders and users. 3. The Avian Medicine Courses Portal commits to adopting and maintaining the best security techniques to protect against unauthorized access, loss, or alteration of data and the USER’s privacy, and the Avian Medicine Courses Portal as a whole, aiming to meet the duties provided for in the relevant legislation, being exempt from responsibilities for system failures in the event of force majeure and for the breach of confidentiality of personal information arising exclusively from the improper use and storage of the password by the USER, as well as their exclusive action or omission. 4. By providing personal information on the site, as part of the registration to improve your browsing experience, you allow the Avian Medicine Courses Portal to contact you later through all available communication channels, including electronic mail (email), mobile phone, SMS, WhatsApp, among others. 4.1 Among the personal data that may be collected are qualifications such as name, ID number, tax identification number, address, gender, profession, date of birth, mobile phone, landline, credit card details, account number, data related to school and professional life, consumption profile. IP, access location, Mac Address, connection location, machine name, etc. 4.2 These pieces of information may be provided by the user or collected automatically. 4.3 The data will remain stored, under the responsibility of the company and its partners for a period defined by the company, which will be a maximum of 5 years. 4.4 They will also be deleted when they are no longer necessary for the purposes that motivated them or are no longer authorized. 5. The data may be used for advertising purposes or for disseminating information about the company or its partners, with the aim of expanding the offer of commercialization, promoting courses, services, professional materials, improving the service, personalizing the user experience, using in legal and administrative defenses, maintaining user safety. 6. The information collected through the use of cookies (small texts that websites can send to browsers) and the identification of IP addresses are generic and used collectively for statistical purposes and to improve the relationship with our users. If you wish, you can configure your internet browser to reject the automatic collection of this information. 6.1 It also informs that cookies are necessary and essential for the platform to load and function properly, thus meeting consumer expectations and all its functionalities. 6.2 Cookies’ main function is to be a marketing tool, focused on advertising, allowing users to watch videos with higher quality, use comment fields, etc., so blocking them may reduce and alter the user experience. 6.2.1 The cookie system plays a role in understanding the visitor’s profile, each one’s interests, and assists the brand’s performance in delivering what the consumer is actually looking for, providing information about visited areas, visit time, messages found, problems, and possible errors. The system also functions as a kind of memory, recalling the consumer’s choices so that the company can provide a more personalized experience. 7. In addition, products we use internally such as Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, Google Optimize, Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager, among other systems with the same function, may collect other information. 8. The information will be kept secure on encrypted servers, internal audits, complaint channels, etc. 9. By accessing any course, lecture, or material on the site, the user understands and automatically agrees to the security and cookie policy of each of the partner platforms or platforms used to enhance the student’s experience, whether it is Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, Nutror, email, etc. 9.1 The company is not responsible in case there is a failure in security or leakage of user information from these platforms. 10. To ensure clear and precise rules, the Avian Medicine Courses Portal may change this policy from time to time, communicating the changes to its USERS. Nevertheless, it recommends periodic reading. 11. This notice was prepared to specially comply with Legislation No. 13.709/2018 (General Data Protection Law “LGPD”); No. 12.965/2014 (Civil Rights Framework for the Internet); and No. 8.078/1990 (Consumer Protection Code), without prejudice to compliance with other applicable legislation for the activities provided. 12. Should there be an interest in requesting consumer information, the individual may exercise their rights as a data subject by confirming the existence of data processing, correcting incomplete, incorrect, outdated, or inaccurate data through a judicial request, blocking and deleting unnecessary data, revoking consent, and data portability. For such changes, it is necessary for the user to contact the website.
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